before I begin the next story let me ask you a question what do former U.S presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton have in common yes they've both been impeached drowned in corruption probes with lies cover-ups Pardons and payoffs and oh adultery but do you know what else they share in common their love for Diet Coke yes the sugar-free low-calorie soft drink produced by the Coca-Cola Company it saw a heady Ascent in the 90s the world swooned towards the drinks Isles looking for this physical exit that promised to

help its patrons shed a few extra kilos but today the soda is struggling sales have declined every year since 2006. there's hatred from the nutrition community and dejection from governments yet many continue to guzzle one can after the other but now their hopes seem to have gone completely flat because Diet Coke may be causing cancer and this is according to the World Health Organization it's cancer research arm reviewed as partain it's a white odorless powder a low calorie artificial sweetener it is added to Diet Coke

it is a very ingredient that makes the soda sugar-free but for the first time it is said to be declared a possible cancer risk to humans a report will be published next month with the who labeling the sweetener quote unquote possibly carcinogenic to humans this means there is some evidence linking it to cancer and this news has already spread like wildfire prompting widespread angst and Collective gasps from Diet Coke lovers but also affirmative nods from those who never believed the soda was healthy I'm kind of addicted to diet coke a bit and

uh that's gonna make me maybe want to think about changing this like flavored sparkling water maybe that's not got any sugar or aspartame in it I'm surprised you took this long that was like 40 years or something for them to finally come out with it you know but I'm sure they knew it long time ago while the news of death by Diet Coke is Making Waves I should tell you that this is not the only product that uses aspartame the sweetener has been widely used since the 1980s it is on restaurant tables in

our home kitchens and our fizzy drinks chewing gums cereals and even cough drops all in all it's almost everywhere it has been authorized for use globally by regulators it has been defended by food and beverage makers but the who report may change all of that it may force a shift especially for food companies aspartame it's it tastes a lot like sugar um and it's also really convenient for uh front of package labeling to say hey this is a nove added sugar product it's convenient for for companies to kind of

construct what we call a health halo around some of these products unfortunately in this case as you dig a Little Deeper you realize that sometimes uh something like a diet soda might not quite be the health food that uh we might have hoped you know the consumer taste is a very very difficult thing to to get right so the fact that they already have it right that's why they're reluctant to change but they're going to have to companies will have to change but so will consumers even though right now many of them are

what the world has believed so far it seems like everything causes cancer these days you know so um I kind of take it with a grain of salt I don't think I'm going to give a Diet Coke completely the thing is nutrition research is constantly evolving with new studies long health facts are deemed lukewarm assumptions really any time an organization like the World Health Organization changes guidance it really just causes people to question okay like what what can I trust anymore if if things are constantly

changing I would encourage people just realize that hey this is the way science works sometimes um but also as much as possible realize that there is there are consistent eating patterns that have been shown over and over again to be uh to be risk-free the fact of the matter is a little bit of confusion is better than not knowing if something causes cancer remember when cigarettes were sold as something healthy maybe this is a case of deja vu with a sweetener too and expert say cutting down is the way to go certainly cutting down on it is a

great place to start uh it's really incredible once you start removing things from your diet it can be a little bit of a challenge at first but people's tastes do change and this change in taste seems necessary for decades aspartame has served as a miracle of modern science it lets us have our cake and eat it too but now maybe it's time to face the bitter truth


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